
I hope all is well with you and the PageantsNW team! As for me, the end of the spring semester is near, and I'm preparing for my final exams. I am incredibly excited about my plans for the summer. I would like to update you that I have just been offered an intern position at Salt River Project, an Arizona-based utility company. As an intern, I will be working at SRP's Federal Affairs office on Capitol Hill. A few of the role's responsibilities include: - Conduct open-source research - Monitor media stories - Produce written summaries and reports - Assist with event planning and support - Assist with administrative support and other office duties I am very thrilled to start! I have so many thanks for Pageants NW because being a titleholder prepped me for future employment opportunities such as this one. Not to mention, I had several rounds of interviews for this job it was my first time doing an in-person job interview! I truly believe that I was able to land it owing to the public speaking skills I gained as a competitor and titleholder. Marianne Bautista, Miss Washington Teen USA

Good evening, I just want to thank you guys for putting on an amazing production. I had so much fun and made so many new friends. This has been such an amazing experience and given me a chance to grow in so many ways on and off the stage. Thank you, Nitika Ahmed.

Hope all is well, again Kailia and I would like to thank you for a wonderful production, keeping the ladies safe during the fire alarm also running a professional show. Kailia can't wait to compete again. Dress is already in the works and interview. Plus interview lessons galore.

Thank you for creating such a wonderful and unique experience. I truly enjoyed the pageant and can't wait for the next one! Ava Mishra(teen)

Thank you so much for the opportunity for my daughter to shine in the pageant she is so excited for the next pageant. Thank you so much

Hi Maureen, Thank you so much! This experience was so unique and fantastic. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to participate. I admit, I had a moment of doubt after the interview where I questioned what I was doing at the event, why I was there, what it was that I was actually hoping to accomplish. After a lot of introspection and observation, I realized that, while it's completely okay to have done the pageant for my own personal growth, the whole system is so much bigger than me. I realized my passion was selfish and that pageants truly allow an opportunity to pursue your greatest philanthropic dreams. I'm excited to say that I am applying to participate again for the upcoming November pageant with fire in my eyes and so, If you need any information from me, I'll be glad to provide it! Again, thank you so, so much to you and all the staff. Special shout outs to Veronica and Amber who made me feel so welcome and cared for during the event. I am so incredibly amazed at everything you all have put together

Hello! Thank you so much for everything during this whole process from day 1! I had a lot of fun this weekend!

I can’t imagine the amount of work it was to produce this amazing event in such COMPLICATED circumstances! We felt that it was the smoothest running, most professional show that was possible; and we were provided with as many opportunities to make it safe and responsible, according to personal choice. And still you managed to insert so much heart into this experience! We are grateful that our daughter had this valuable experience - THANK YOU! Mom of Jenna Beckstrom, Miss Eagle River Teen USA 2020.

Good morning! I wanted to take this time to say thank you! Kali thoroughly enjoyed her experience this weekend! She absolutely loved you, David and the staff! Your motivational speeches moved her to tears. Thank you again for everything! P.S we all loved that you pointed out the fact that she smiles all of the time! One of the many reasons we, and everyone else loves her! She is always so happy and positive.

You and your team are phenomenal!! The transformation and joy my daughter received is absolutely unmatched! And it is due to strong and beautiful people like you Maureen!

Maureen, I just first want to tell you what a wonderful experience we had with you and the pageant team! We loved every second!!! Brinley would absolutely love to do it again!!! So we definitely would like more info on the early bird special! Thank you, thank you to you and your team for all your work and efforts in making such a wonderful opportunity for these girls and women! We would also love to hear any feedback on what Brinley could be working on for next year! Thanks Again, Brinley and Nicole Hall

As most of you may know, I participated in the Miss Idaho and Miss Idaho Teen USA pageant this last weekend. It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed myself and enjoyed the experience I had. Everyone involved was so nice and supportive. It was crazy to receive so much support from people I didn’t know and just met. I loved meeting new people and making more connections. I took a big step by doing this and getting out of my comfort zone. I can not express the amount of self-confidence I received from the pageant. I truly loved the time spent with the amazing ladies and gentlemen that helped out and the contestants. I’m so unbelievably excited for the new titleholders and the year ahead for them. This is definitely an experience for any girl and all girls. Thank you to everyone that helped me get to experience this and thank you for supporting me and believing in me, it truly means a lot! I’m glad I got to meet new friends and enjoy this experience.

Last weekend I had the opportunity to partake in one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done. I stepped way out of my comfort zone and ran for the title of Miss Idaho Teen USA. I learned so much about myself, about taking chances, about failure, success, friendships, and support. I met 32 amazing young women who were all just ordinary ladies like me, and together we all united for one weekend and built friendships of a lifetime. Even though we were all going for the same title, we supported each other as if we wanted one another to win more than ourselves. I found a family I can always lean on thanks to Maureen Francisco, Michelle Font, Damian Emiliano and the rest of the amazing NW Productions family. This team taught me life lessons I will hold onto for as long as I live. I am truly humbled to have been able to try such an amazing experience, and I will continue to work hard and pray to hopefully return next year! Lastly I would like to thank all of the friends and family who supported me in chasing this dream. I couldn’t have done it without this town standing behind me, and a gigantic thank you to the amazing people who sponsored me. It meant the world to me knowing I had so many people cheering me on!

I had an amazing experience at the 2018 Miss Idaho Teen USA pageant. I learned so many new things and was able to meet so many people. I have always loved the camera, but once I started getting ready for the pageant, I fell in love with modeling. Walking on the Miss Idaho Teen USA stage made me feel so special and my confidence has sparkled ever since. I met so many amazing girls and I hope to have their friendship for a lifetime. And the staff was amazing. They made the whole weekend so much less stressful and were the greatest people I have ever worked with. Kaitlyn Arvin Miss Cascade Teen USA 2017

I had the time of my life competing this year and am very interested in competing next year!!

I just wanted to tell you again how amazing of an experience Miss Idaho USA was. It truly made a significant impact on my heart, one that I honestly did not expect. I admire you and the Pageants NW staff greatly and I hope this year flies by because I am so excited for next year already! I anxiously look forward to your feedback; thank you so, so much for your inspiring words, your time and your energy dedicated to changing the lives of young women.

Thank you so much for this opportunity. You truly run a great program and I am glad to say I will be back next year if you'll take me again! I had such a blast and learned so much about myself and the organization this weekend and throughout my process!! Again thank you so much! Thank you, Blayke Ryan

I just wanted to let all of you and the staff know that this experience was amazing. I left the event with a strengthened sense of confidence, memories to last a lifetime, and friendships that will continue to grow. The Miss Idaho USA pageant has been a inspiring moment in my life.

The staff, contestants, and the pageant itself could not have been any better! I was sad when the weekend had to come to an end; however, the experience that I received from competing was one of the best experiences and opportunities that I have had thus far. Thanks!

Hi Marind! First off I just wanted to thank you and David and all of the staff for such an incredible experience this weekend! You guys truly are the best and I had an amazing time. I will definitely be back next year!...Thank you again for everything!! Words do not express my gratitude for you and the whole team! Thank you, Carlie Callahan

Competing in the Miss Idaho Teen USA pageant was an incredible opportunity, I will never forget. The staff made my experience memorable. They encouraged and gave me a lot of positive feedback. Since this was my first pageant, I challenged myself and grew as a young woman. I now have a passion for the USA organization. Thanks to all involved!

Competing at Miss Idaho USA was a fantastic experience that I will cherish for years to come! The pageant offered me a safe and supportive environment to challenge myself to grow as an individual. I was also able to meet amazing women from across the state. I would recommend the Miss Idaho USA pageant to any woman looking for fun, friendship, personal growth, and a truly incredible experience.